Top Smart Storage Solutions For Your Modular Kitchen

Plan your kitchen with Smart Storage Solutions
Read this if you are planning a kitchen that has smart storage solutions in the designs

Having smart storage solutions has been the need of the hour! With limited space, overflowing spice racks, and no proper storage, keeping things organized can feel like a constant battle. But hey, you don’t have to worry about planning your kitchen with smart storage solutions as our experts have curated a list of top smart storage solutions that solve your storage issue. 

Modular kitchens, with their customizable cabinets and clever features, are perfect for creating a well-organized and functional space.

Here’s how to unlock the potential of smart storage in your modular kitchen:

Pull Out Drawers for Smart Storage in Kitchen

Pull-out Drawers:

Any pull-out drawers are the best choice! Opt for pull-out drawers in lower cabinets for storing utensils, pots, and pans. This keeps everything within easy reach and eliminates the need to dig into dark corners making it a smart storage solution in deep cabinet areas

Spice Tray/ Rack: 

Spice racks are a must-have in any Indian kitchen. Look for modular cabinets with built-in spice racks that keep your spices organized and readily accessible and maintain the aesthetic look of the kitchen.


Wooden Dividers for Smart Storage in Kitchen

Wooden Dividers: 

Drawer dividers are lifesavers! They help you categorize utensils, cutlery, and spices, ensuring everything has its designated place and preventing clutter from accumulating.

Smartly Utilizing the Vertical Space:

Walls are prime real estate in a small kitchen! Install wall-mounted shelves, cabinets, and organizers to store cookbooks, decorative items, or frequently used appliances.

3/4 Carousel accessory in Ultrafresh Kitchen

3/4 Carousel for Corner Storage:

Corners are tricky, especially in an L-shaped kitchen. Place a 3/4 Carousel accessory at the corner that rotates, bringing everything to the forefront and eliminating the need to reach into those dark corners for forgotten ingredients. Its easy mechanism places is 

Pegboard Power: 

A pegboard on the wall is a versatile storage solution. Hang utensils, pot holders, and even small appliances, freeing up counter space and adding a touch of rustic charm.

Hanging Racks & Magnetic Marvels:

Install hanging rods or pot racks on ceilings or walls to store utensils, pots, and pans. This not only frees up valuable cabinet space but also adds a touch of functionality and visual interest and yes stands out in our list of smart storage solutions. Magnetic strips on walls can hold knives, measuring spoons, or even spice tins, keeping them readily accessible and adding a touch of modern flair.


Remember, a kitchen with smart storage is a happy kitchen & you can plan it with Ultrafresh! By incorporating these innovative smart storage solutions and maximizing the potential of your modular cabinets, you can create a space that fosters culinary creativity, efficiency and keeps the joy of cooking alive in your home. So, unleash your inner organizer and transform your kitchen into a haven of functionality and style!


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